I’m worried.
Google Reader has it’s writing on the wall and I don’t know what to do.
I have a wealth of read or starred articles in my Google Reader account, they’re all nicely organised into folders and more importantly I use Google Reader every day.
The only thing is, that I don’t actually use Google Reader every day. I use the data that it outputs but the user interface so so horrible that I would never actually sit and read Google Reader.
What do I use?
It’s a nicer experience and it syncs on all my devices so I can take off where I left off.
Many other companies are looking to win from the fallout of Reader like Digg for example. A company that I forgot existed until they said that an RSS reader is at the top of their list.
But that’s not the answer. Why don’t Flipboard make an RSS Reader? It would integrate within their main product and act as a cornerstone to keep users there.
It makes so much sense.
Maybe I’m not worried anymore.