Research of the WWE Network

Reimagining the WWE Network

The most important part of my project to reimagine the WWE Network, I undertook some user research. 

Yes, my brain is full of ideas of how to make improvements to the WWE Network but some of the more crazy ones need to be validated by the WWE Universe.

I set up a questionnaire and seeded it out on various wrestling related Facebook Groups and Subreddits. 

Unfortunately I received my first brush with the machine that is the WWE as my post to the official WWE subreddit was automatically removed before it even gained a single upvote.

Is this a sign of things to come?

Anyway, largely thanks to the most engaging Facebook Group I’ve experienced, eHoWb, I received close to 100 responses. Ideally I’d like to have many more, but with approximately 100 responses, it means that the percentages I’ll be reporting are reflective of the general consensus. 

Basically, it’s meaningful data in order to draw conclusions.

I also dangled a carrot by means of offering a WWE Network Gift Card. Admittedly, I thought I could purchase gift cards for £10 but the minimum is a three month gift card. This highlights another problem with the network, because other services like Netflix are much more flexible.

The winners

The three winners of a gift card are:

  • Lee Marion
  • Daniel Blow
  • Lisa Kirwan

In order to display the proof that the winners were picked randomly, here’s the video of how they were selected. I’ll be contacting these people by email to organise sending the prize. 

The results

I’m currently analysing the results and I’ll be posting them in the new year along with the rest of my strategy for how the WWE Network can be reimagined.

About Andrew Smallwood

Experienced digital strategist with a foundation in web development and analytics. Leads multi-disciplinary teams in content creation and digital marketing ensuring data is at the core of decision making.

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