Google rolled out the AdSense Beta this week to many of their partners.
This is a vast improvement on the old interface and it will improve the usability for the many users they have. It will bring Adsense into the same realm as it’s partners and distinctly brands them with the strong blue against Adwords Green and Analytics Orange. The colour palette has been vastly improved and uses bold colours instead of the bland colours of old.
The CSS has been improved no end and there is a focus on the cash that’s about to roll into your pockets. The old interface was also aimed at smaller screen resolutions as most of the content was flush to the left approximately 700px wide. Whereas the new interface fills out the screen horizontally and stretches to fill your browser.
The new interface also accentuates the total money earnt in order to encourage you to push your ads and renew your content.
The ad layout has been tightened up and you can quickly filter your ads, alternatively, by hovering over your channels that are easily displayed under the left hand nav, they are highlighted throughout the interface to offer a quick graphical view of how your channels are performing.
The ‘create an ad’ section has also been improved. I’m sure many of you opted for the single page view when creating your ad, and the Google Adsense team have obviously used the analytics in this respect because it is now the only option. In one page, you can quickly create your ads, choose your palette and define your channels, as soon as you know it, you’re grabbing your code and pasting it into your page.
Create your ad
This is just a taster of the improved AdSense interface but I’m sure as it’s rolled out to more partners, we will understand more about the depth of the improved interface. At the moment though, it’s a vast improvement on the old interface and we can’t wait to see what the next developments are.