Last night I finally saw Scott Pilgrim Vs The World.Before I entered the cinema I had already decided that it was going to sit alongside Shaun of the Dead and Hot Fuzz as one of my favourite films of all time (along with Back to the Future but that goes without saying). This is largely to do with Edgar Wright’s clinical direction and the comedy that was strewn throughout.
The comedy is delivered thick and fast and is similar to the style of Bill Lawrence. You really have to concentrate and there is so much repeat value that makes you want to watch it again and again. But not everyone will understand that type of comedy. Not everyone will laugh at the subtle references to the Leg3nd of Zelda or Final Fantasy.
To no avail, it also includes some slapstick and simple comedy to appease the masses.But don’t get me wrong, it’s not all about the laughs. This is essentially a love story that is delivered so tenderly that, if you’re in a different state of mind, you can totally ignore. Seriously, how many men can’t relate to the quandary faced by Scott Pilgrim?
Not many!
The film stays true to the books as much as a film can, complete lines are ripped straight from the book. But the book takes place over the course of a year while the film shortens that to about a week.Bryan Lee O’Malley can be proud of Edgar Wright’s work though and everything is delivered exactly as it should.